Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Dorothy Revelations

Dorothy Brennan was my father's second wife. She died in 1995 after extensive chemotherapy sessions. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer, had the radical mastectomy that was recommended back in those radical days, had the recommended chemotherapy. The cancer survived and moved to the liver. Dorothy continued the recommended treatments and she did not survive.

Janet Taylor Rizzolo was my wonderful friend for 30 years. In the early years, she was tagged with the nickname "Dorothy Lollier", and was known to some of our friends as "Dorothy" (but that's another story). She died in 2006 after extensive chemotherapy sessions. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer, had the recommended surgeries, had the recommended chemotherapy. The cancer survived and moved to the liver. Taylor ("Dorothy") continued the recommended treatments and she did not survive.

When I first started my very strange odyssey, I asked my spiritual guides for advice about taking chemotherapy, and one night in my dream, I heard Taylor say, very simply, "Don't do it, Peg". It was very powerful and woke me from a sound sleep. Last night during a Reiki session, again I heard Taylor say, very simply, "Don't do it, Peg". And then Dorothy Brennan joined in, and collectively, the "Dorothys" said, "It killed us. We thought that we were doing the right thing." And with that, the phrase "The Dorothy Revelations" came into my mind. I know that this is a little far out, but I believe that Dorothy Brennan and Taylor (Dorothy Lollier) guided me onto the right path and are working through me to let other people know that they really have to stop and question conventional treatment. Thus: the Dorothy Revelations.

I love these two women. They both loved life; both very intelligent, well-read, strong, funny, giving, generous, engaged and engaging. Both were very concerned about the well-being of others. And they are both still very concerned about the well-being of others, and they are doing their work from where they are. I am simply the transmitter.

This is my truth. It may not be your truth, but it is my truth.
Just say no to chemo.

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